Hope you all had a good bank holiday weekend. Mine was good but quiet, we don't tend to venture too far on a bank holiday as traffic is usually terrible. So we went to the supermarket, then had the rest of saturday and sunday at home and then did a little bit of shopping on Monday.
Bank holidays always throw me off a bit day wise. I find myself wondering what day of the week it is after the long weekend. I have to keep asking hubby what day we're on, I'm usually a day behind all week and then all of a sudden its the weekend again.
Hubby was back to work today and I was back to the sewing machine again. I was in the mood for sewing and so I decided to make a few more shopping bags. They're just the same sort of simple shopper as before but this time with a longer handle so they can be carried on the shoulder as well as by hand.
Tonight I added a few more items of jewellery onto my website. I made some new pieces before the last fair I had and swapped the stock over in the shop that sells some of my womens jewellery too so we have quite a bit to add. We've got a bit behind on keeping it upto date lately though with hubby being on holiday and then working early for a couple of weeks but we've made a start and hopefully we'll have everything on there soon.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Gifty week Aren't we lucky
What a brilliant week Hubby and I have had for gifts this week. We have some lovely generous friends. The week started with two lovely wood gifts from Eily and her hubby Al. Al made us a wood goblet and a bowl with our names and wedding date on. They are so lovely and very tactile and Eily made us a lovely stitched card too, she says she doesn't do cards but Eily you SO do.
Friday was hubbys birthday and as well as all his other gifts he got some lovely cards and gifts from two of our online friends. Chrissy sent him some brill sweetie goodies which I don't think will last long yumyum and a fab snowboarding card with such a fun verse inside. Eily stitched him a fantastic Yoda fabric panel which is so cute and printed him a yoda card too. Hubby is a huge star wars fan and yoda is the best.
Today I received a lovely surprise gift from another online friend suzanne. It's a really cute folding calendar and some chewy sweets. I've
had one of the chews already lol.
What a bumper week we've had, we feel so lucky. Thanks so much Chrissy Eily and Suzanne XXX
As it was hubbys birthday yesterday I made him a birthday cake it turned out ok but it must be the smallest cake in history lol. More like a chocolate sandwich than a chocolate cake but it tastes lovely so thats all that matters.
Friday was hubbys birthday and as well as all his other gifts he got some lovely cards and gifts from two of our online friends. Chrissy sent him some brill sweetie goodies which I don't think will last long yumyum and a fab snowboarding card with such a fun verse inside. Eily stitched him a fantastic Yoda fabric panel which is so cute and printed him a yoda card too. Hubby is a huge star wars fan and yoda is the best.
Today I received a lovely surprise gift from another online friend suzanne. It's a really cute folding calendar and some chewy sweets. I've
had one of the chews already lol.
What a bumper week we've had, we feel so lucky. Thanks so much Chrissy Eily and Suzanne XXX
As it was hubbys birthday yesterday I made him a birthday cake it turned out ok but it must be the smallest cake in history lol. More like a chocolate sandwich than a chocolate cake but it tastes lovely so thats all that matters.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Morning, just thought I'd write a little blog and waste a bit of time. I should be ironing today, I have a huge pile as always and as always I'm putting it off. I hate ironing with a passion but unfortunaltely it must be done but if I can just delay it a little longer and a little longer it might not seem so bad, yeah right.
Its been a funny start to the day today, My nephew and his girlfriend have gone to Leeds fest today and so I was woken up at 20 to 5 by footsteps tramping downstairs and the porch door being unlocked opened shut locked unlocked opened shut locked (must have forgotten something first time) and then the front door unlocked open shut locked n footsteps down the front path, for two slim people they dont half sound like elephants going down the path. As I was awake I thought I'd pop to the loo and say morning to hubby who was up getting ready for work.
On my way back to bed I thought I'd look out the window see if they'd been picked up yet by Matts friends, it looked like they'd just arrived as Matt and Abi and a couple of his friends were loading their tent and bag into the boot. I also noticed a lad stood across the road facing the field peeing against the wall CLASSY eh. I mean it wasn't as if another pair of elephant feet coming inside and another round of unlocking locking the doors would have disturbed me after matts performance five minutes earlier.
I was hoping that our next door neighbour who is a policeman hadn't seen Matts friend peeing across the road as urinating outside is illegal isn't it, but I didn't see him running out with handcuffs and his truncheon (ooh er his police issue one I mean lol) A few minutes later they were all squashed in the car and doing a three point turn in the middle of the road before peeling off down the road again with a bit of a screech.
Ten minutes after that hubby left for work and I snuggled down in bed with the intention of going back to sleep but I must have been awake too long because for an hour I just lay there with my mind going from one thing to another. Why did it always have to rain when events were out doors. Did I need to wash hubby some more work trousers today or were there some in ironing basket. Shall I bake him a cake for his birthday tomorrow or buy one. How will my nephews first day at senior school go today? What excercise can I do that will make me super fit but not take much effort?
On and on I went untill after 6, I thought of getting up but I hadnt gone to bed while half twelve and so far I'd only had about 4 hours sleep. With a day of ironing and an evening visit to my in laws I thought it best to stay put and just try a little longer to drop off. Luckily I must have dropped off becasue the next thing I knew it was after 9.
So now here I am procrastinating and looking guiltily and with dread at the pile of ironing I brought down with me this morning which is only about half what I have to do today but as much as I could carry in one go.The rest I'll have to bring down later when I've worked my way down what I have here so far.
So bye for now its a ironing I go.
Its been a funny start to the day today, My nephew and his girlfriend have gone to Leeds fest today and so I was woken up at 20 to 5 by footsteps tramping downstairs and the porch door being unlocked opened shut locked unlocked opened shut locked (must have forgotten something first time) and then the front door unlocked open shut locked n footsteps down the front path, for two slim people they dont half sound like elephants going down the path. As I was awake I thought I'd pop to the loo and say morning to hubby who was up getting ready for work.
On my way back to bed I thought I'd look out the window see if they'd been picked up yet by Matts friends, it looked like they'd just arrived as Matt and Abi and a couple of his friends were loading their tent and bag into the boot. I also noticed a lad stood across the road facing the field peeing against the wall CLASSY eh. I mean it wasn't as if another pair of elephant feet coming inside and another round of unlocking locking the doors would have disturbed me after matts performance five minutes earlier.
I was hoping that our next door neighbour who is a policeman hadn't seen Matts friend peeing across the road as urinating outside is illegal isn't it, but I didn't see him running out with handcuffs and his truncheon (ooh er his police issue one I mean lol) A few minutes later they were all squashed in the car and doing a three point turn in the middle of the road before peeling off down the road again with a bit of a screech.
Ten minutes after that hubby left for work and I snuggled down in bed with the intention of going back to sleep but I must have been awake too long because for an hour I just lay there with my mind going from one thing to another. Why did it always have to rain when events were out doors. Did I need to wash hubby some more work trousers today or were there some in ironing basket. Shall I bake him a cake for his birthday tomorrow or buy one. How will my nephews first day at senior school go today? What excercise can I do that will make me super fit but not take much effort?
On and on I went untill after 6, I thought of getting up but I hadnt gone to bed while half twelve and so far I'd only had about 4 hours sleep. With a day of ironing and an evening visit to my in laws I thought it best to stay put and just try a little longer to drop off. Luckily I must have dropped off becasue the next thing I knew it was after 9.
So now here I am procrastinating and looking guiltily and with dread at the pile of ironing I brought down with me this morning which is only about half what I have to do today but as much as I could carry in one go.The rest I'll have to bring down later when I've worked my way down what I have here so far.
So bye for now its a ironing I go.
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If you see one of these please send her to my house |
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Thanks Chrissy
For your help and instructions on how to do a slideshow on my blog. Yer a star lass. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have you ever forgotten to go to bed?
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Get to bed you daft bat |
Last night after I'd finished sewing I decided to watch tv for a little bit and do my blog. There wasn't much on so I ended up on bbc3 where family guy was about to start. I did my blog and played on facebook games for a while and watched another episode of family guy and an episode of gavin and stacey all 3 of which I'd seen before so why I sat there watching them I don't know.
After Gavin and stacey had finished I thought what else can I watch and as there was nothing on you'd think I'd go to bed and realise the time but no I still sat there watching an odd programme called The adventures of Daniel which was something about a young man who did stand up.Then a programme about baby beauty queens came on and yep I'm still sitting there watching.
After that 101 ways to leave a gameshow was just starting when I decided I needed a wee so I got up to go to the loo and noticed the time was 1.25am. I hadn't really noticed the time before that, I'd just sat there like a little potatoe on my couch whiling the hours away. I decided being as I was up now I should probably go to bed.
I've done this quite often in the past just sat there while the hours pass and we go from night into morning and on some occassions been quite a bit later than last night. I've often gone to bed at 2 and 3am and one night when I was reading a particularly good book I stayed up all night reading it. I finally finished it at 5 to 6 and went to bed just moments before hubby got up to go to work.
Do other people do this? or is it just me who forgets to go to bed at nighttime.
Tonight I'm hoping to remember to go to bed before tomorrow morning lol.
In other news I baked some shortbread biscuits today, its the first time I've made shortbread in years. It used to be something I made loads when I was younger but I seemed to lose my knack with that and most baking really so stop making it. Luckily today they turned out ok although I did roll them out a bit thinly so they are a bit like dieters biscuits but they still taste nice so thats all that matters.
Thin Shortbread Biscuits. Great for dieters lol |
Great day sewing
He'd asked if he could have a label or something on them saying his shop name so hubby bought some transfer printer paper and printed off his shop name for me today. According to the instructions you placed the paper ink side down onto fabric then ironed over the backing paper. There were green circles with brown irons printed on the backing paper and when you ironed it the circle changed colour to brown like the iron. So there I was ironing away and no colour change.
For about twenty minutes I stood there ironing it but no colour change. The paper had stuck to the fabric but still not changed colour so I decided enough was enough and something obviously wasn't working so I quit ironing , it never was my favourite job so I wasn't thrilled about ironing something for twenty minutes which might not even have worked.
I left the paper to cool and surprisingly when the paper had cooled and I peeled the backing off the transfer had worked. I'm not sure how long I should have ironed it for but at least it worked in the end which was a relief so I cut them out and stitched them onto the inside of the bags I'd made. Hubby will take them into work for me tomorrow they do come in useful don't they hubbys.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
This ones for my big sis
My big sis visited today and while she was here she read my blogs, she wasn't best pleased that she hadn't got a mention in any of them. Sorry about that Alginon.
I tried to tell her that I haven't seen her since I've been writing blogs and in the subjects I've rambled about so far her name just hasn't come up but I don't think she was convinced. She had her sad face on .
I tried to tell her that I haven't seen her since I've been writing blogs and in the subjects I've rambled about so far her name just hasn't come up but I don't think she was convinced. She had her sad face on .
She lives in scotland now so we don't see each other very often which is a shame. She came down today to bring my mum home as she's spent two weeks up there visiting sis and her family.
It's been a lovely family afternoon with Ali, mum, nephew matt, hubby and I, although we do get rather loud when we all talk at once sorry bout the earache Matt lol.
Ali goes back home again tomorrow and then I probably wont see her for a month or so. Aaaaawwwwww miss you already Ali.
So this is Hello to my bestest big sis Ali Love You Lots Sis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sis and Me on the seesaw |
Saying goodbye takes time
At least it does for me. I seem to have an inability to stop talking once I've started, there always seems to be something else to say. I often wonder how other people manage to end a conversation and finish talking as I just dont seem able to. Last night I was talking to Chrissy and even after we'd said goodnight I still kept talking and nearly every day when I talk online to my friend Eily she says she has to go at some point and yet half an hour later we're still there talking. I just cant do it I can't stop talking.
Its not just online either I'm the same when I'm visiting people etc, saying goodbye and getting up to go takes me ages. I'll be putting my coat on and somehow a conversation will start and I'm off again, my mum quite often interupts me and says "goodbye Andie" and shoves me to the door because she knows I'll never leave otherwise.
When I was first married we used to go out at weekends with another couple and stay over afterwards to save on taxi fares, my friend was just as chatty as me so we could sit rabbiting on for hours after we'd got in from our night out. Quite often our partners would fall asleep and then when they woke up they'd say "come on dunt yer think we should go to bed?" We'd always agree and then start talking away again so they'd turn the living room lights off and go up, we'd follow them, but then end up standing on the landing outside our bedroom doors chatting for a while before eventually giving in and going to bed.
Even after 18 years of marriage hubby and I can ramble on for ages and its not just me, he can ramble too (admittedly he doesnt talk quite as much as me but then who does lol) Sometimes we'll be lying in bed chatting before we go to sleep and it gets later and later. Even though I know he has to get up in the morning and I don't like the idea of him having to get up tired there always seems to be one more thing to tell or ask him.
I don't think I'll ever change either as I'm 38 years old now and have been like this as long as I can remember. Its not like I have important conversations either, they're mostly senseless drivel but I just love to talk. I think I should join a support group 'Ramblers Annonymous', gosh imagine how long those meetings would last, no one would ever be able to leave lol
Hello My names Andrea and I'm a talkaholic
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Let me just tell you this |
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Ok but I really need to go now |
Its not just online either I'm the same when I'm visiting people etc, saying goodbye and getting up to go takes me ages. I'll be putting my coat on and somehow a conversation will start and I'm off again, my mum quite often interupts me and says "goodbye Andie" and shoves me to the door because she knows I'll never leave otherwise.
When I was first married we used to go out at weekends with another couple and stay over afterwards to save on taxi fares, my friend was just as chatty as me so we could sit rabbiting on for hours after we'd got in from our night out. Quite often our partners would fall asleep and then when they woke up they'd say "come on dunt yer think we should go to bed?" We'd always agree and then start talking away again so they'd turn the living room lights off and go up, we'd follow them, but then end up standing on the landing outside our bedroom doors chatting for a while before eventually giving in and going to bed.
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They've turned the light off on us again |
I don't think I'll ever change either as I'm 38 years old now and have been like this as long as I can remember. Its not like I have important conversations either, they're mostly senseless drivel but I just love to talk. I think I should join a support group 'Ramblers Annonymous', gosh imagine how long those meetings would last, no one would ever be able to leave lol
Hello My names Andrea and I'm a talkaholic
Saturday, 21 August 2010
My best customer
Made this necklace today for my best customer. This lady works with my hubby and has bought quite a lot of my jewellery for herself and as presents too. I think nearly every female she knows has had some of my jewellery given to them as a present and when she buys a new dress she buys herself new jewellery to match. She's a girl after my own heart where jewellery is concerned and my bestest customer too bless her. She says she likes the fact that I can make her something to match her outfit and she wont be bumping into hundreds of people wearing the exact same necklace.
She usually sends a message home with hubby saying what colour and style of necklace/bracelet she wants, this time she asked for a turquoise bead y style necklace (which seems to be her fave style and one of mine too). As turqouise is such a tricky colour to match I sent hubby to work the next day with a selection of turquoise beads for her to take home and check against her dress so she could say which were the closest in colour.
Then today I went and bought some more beads in the right sort of colours and made this necklace up for her. I hope she likes it. Hubby will take into work with him on Monday for her he's like my little gopher bless him. While I was out buying the beads I wanted for this necklace today I gave in to a little temptation and bought another set of beads and a book on bag making too, well you have to give in occassionally dont you lol.
She usually sends a message home with hubby saying what colour and style of necklace/bracelet she wants, this time she asked for a turquoise bead y style necklace (which seems to be her fave style and one of mine too). As turqouise is such a tricky colour to match I sent hubby to work the next day with a selection of turquoise beads for her to take home and check against her dress so she could say which were the closest in colour.
Then today I went and bought some more beads in the right sort of colours and made this necklace up for her. I hope she likes it. Hubby will take into work with him on Monday for her he's like my little gopher bless him. While I was out buying the beads I wanted for this necklace today I gave in to a little temptation and bought another set of beads and a book on bag making too, well you have to give in occassionally dont you lol.
Friday, 20 August 2010
Bag lady
I've just finished setting up my dreamaid shop with a few of the bags I've made for sale. I've been thinking of doing this for a while but only just tonight plucked up the courage to get on with it. I've only got 4 bags on so far but as time goes by I will add more bags and maybe some of my knitting and jewellery too.
As is typical for me and things computer related I didn't find it totally smooth running, I nearly ended up with two shops!!!!
Once I'd filled in my username, password etc it said my username was invalid. The only thing hubby and I could think was wrong was I had a space in it so I removed it and then clicked on the button to proceed again. This time I ended up on a blank page?????.
I thought ,well maybe it just takes a while to load, so I sat there for a few minutes.... but no... still blank.....(just like my mind I hear you say you cheeky things lol) I tried clicking on the refresh button and got 'this webpage has expired'. Whoops not what I wanted either, so what now ?
So now I am on another website and I've managed to do it by myself too, ok I had a few false starts but I managed it Go Annie Go Annie Go Annie (little victory dance from me lol.
As is typical for me and things computer related I didn't find it totally smooth running, I nearly ended up with two shops!!!!
Once I'd filled in my username, password etc it said my username was invalid. The only thing hubby and I could think was wrong was I had a space in it so I removed it and then clicked on the button to proceed again. This time I ended up on a blank page?????.
I thought ,well maybe it just takes a while to load, so I sat there for a few minutes.... but no... still blank.....(just like my mind I hear you say you cheeky things lol) I tried clicking on the refresh button and got 'this webpage has expired'. Whoops not what I wanted either, so what now ?
Next I tried clicking the back button and was taken to the registration page again so I clicked to input my details again and this time it came up saying 'username already exists',
Thats funny I thought, imagine two people wanting the name andiesaccessories, luckily at the same time I noticed at the top of the page it had options for me to click on for my account and log off.
Thats funny I thought, imagine two people wanting the name andiesaccessories, luckily at the same time I noticed at the top of the page it had options for me to click on for my account and log off.
I wondered if it had actually registered me when I was on the blank page and that andiesaccessories was mine, so I clicked on my account to see and yes there I was!! WAYHEY I'd done it and not realised.
The first bag I tried to add didnt go well as I ended up losing it, I don't know how, but just as I was about to move onto adding photos I noticed a spelling mistake in the description and tried to click in the description box to alter the spelling but I ended up with the page dissapearing again. I must have taken too long or clicked on something I shouldn't to make it dissapear..
I quickly added the details again, I struggled to think of ways to describe them but eventually I had four bags added with photos Wooohooooooo So now I am on another website and I've managed to do it by myself too, ok I had a few false starts but I managed it Go Annie Go Annie Go Annie (little victory dance from me lol.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
A brief post for a change
Just a quick blog tonight as time is knocking on and I'm getting tired so I'm going to keep it short tonight. 'Yeah right' I hear you say and I know what you mean as I do find it hard to be brief but tonight I'm going to shock us all and be brief I PROMISE.
I made a couple of pieces of jewellery last night as it's my niece's 18th birthday on friday and she didn't know what she wanted as a pressie so we are giving her money but I didn't like not giving her something to unwrap so last night I made her a bag charm with assorted charms on including keys (the key to the door in miniature lol) and a pair of silvertone ball hoop earrings as she does like her earrings big and hoopy. Hope she likes them.
See it's brief I knew I could do it if I put my mind to it lol. Night all off to bed now xx
I made a couple of pieces of jewellery last night as it's my niece's 18th birthday on friday and she didn't know what she wanted as a pressie so we are giving her money but I didn't like not giving her something to unwrap so last night I made her a bag charm with assorted charms on including keys (the key to the door in miniature lol) and a pair of silvertone ball hoop earrings as she does like her earrings big and hoopy. Hope she likes them.
See it's brief I knew I could do it if I put my mind to it lol. Night all off to bed now xx
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Are there such things as clutter elves????
I really really dislike doing housework it seems so pointless and boring and energy sapping. I know its not pointless really, I mean who wants to sit on a pile of dust and forget what colour their carpet is, but it feels like it is, I just don't enjoy it all, which is a shame as I have to do it, obviously.
My mum is a fab cleaner she quite enjoys it too and gets great satisfaction from seeing something nice and sparkly and tidy and while I like to see nice sparkly clean things too, I just don't want to have to do the work needed to get them there and I know that not long after you've got them all nice and sparkly they'll be dull and dusty and need doing again.
Why am I blogging about about cleaning? Well I just tidied, dusted and hoovered the living room, kitchen and hallway and mopped the kitchen floor and I didn't enjoy it one bit. Just an hour and halfs work but it tires me out, not that it was particularly hard work its just so boring and uuuuuuuurrrrgggghhhhhhh.
I didnt used to be as bad as this, when I first got married I was a real demon on the home front, dust didn't dare linger in my house and I couldn't bear for a cushion to be out of place or an empty cup to linger for long but nowadays I just don't seem to have the motivation.
I must be a real dissapointment to my mum bless her, after such a promising start she must wonder what happened to my cleaning gene, as do I!!!! Maybe I overdid those first few years and burned myself out too soon?????? Maybe like an athlete I've had my best years and now I need to retire early???
Oh how I wish I could retire from housework and cleaning, now don't get me wrong I don't live in a complete utter pigsty where you catch something just from sitting down, I do clean my house, but not to my old standards and defiantely not to my mums standards and certainly not with any enthusiasm.
I still do my big pre christmas clean that I learnt of my mum where everything in the cupboards comes out and gets washed and tidied, all the curtains etc come down and all the corners get cleaned, ceilings get dusted and light fittings get washed, walls get dusted or washed down, furniture gets moved and cleaned under and behind and quite a bit of rubbish gets chucked out. So once a year for a few hours on Christmas Eve my house is clean and tidy.
I do occasionally do these jobs inbetween Christmases but never all of them together and not as often as I used to. My mum does these sort of things regularly and seems to enjoy doing them, I so wish I did then I'd be more likely to do them often instead of sporadically as I do now.
One of the problems is hubby and I are both hoarders so the house is packed with stuff, half of which we probably dont even know we have and quite a bit of it we'll never use, but we just don't seem to be able to let go of it.
Every so often we try to have a clear out and we chuck bags of stuff away or give it to the charity shop, I must have filled our local charity shop several times over by now, yet we still have a houseful of stuff. I just don't know what hapens, we start to tidy and clear and every cupboard or shelf we empty seems to fill right back up again even though we've took a bag full of stuff out of it.
I often wonder if there are no backs to our cupboards and wardrobes and as we take something out the front some little clutter elf slips something else in from the back.
It just seems we have never ending clutter. Some clear outs we have just remind us of something we had long ago and forgot about so we start using or wearing it again for a while which isn't really the idea is it!!!
All this stuff we've accumulted and are still adding to makes it impossible for a person who doesn't enjoy housework to keep things tidy. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in piles of clutter!!!!!
Am I alone in this I wonder?
My mum is a fab cleaner she quite enjoys it too and gets great satisfaction from seeing something nice and sparkly and tidy and while I like to see nice sparkly clean things too, I just don't want to have to do the work needed to get them there and I know that not long after you've got them all nice and sparkly they'll be dull and dusty and need doing again.
Why am I blogging about about cleaning? Well I just tidied, dusted and hoovered the living room, kitchen and hallway and mopped the kitchen floor and I didn't enjoy it one bit. Just an hour and halfs work but it tires me out, not that it was particularly hard work its just so boring and uuuuuuuurrrrgggghhhhhhh.
I didnt used to be as bad as this, when I first got married I was a real demon on the home front, dust didn't dare linger in my house and I couldn't bear for a cushion to be out of place or an empty cup to linger for long but nowadays I just don't seem to have the motivation.
I must be a real dissapointment to my mum bless her, after such a promising start she must wonder what happened to my cleaning gene, as do I!!!! Maybe I overdid those first few years and burned myself out too soon?????? Maybe like an athlete I've had my best years and now I need to retire early???
Oh how I wish I could retire from housework and cleaning, now don't get me wrong I don't live in a complete utter pigsty where you catch something just from sitting down, I do clean my house, but not to my old standards and defiantely not to my mums standards and certainly not with any enthusiasm.
I still do my big pre christmas clean that I learnt of my mum where everything in the cupboards comes out and gets washed and tidied, all the curtains etc come down and all the corners get cleaned, ceilings get dusted and light fittings get washed, walls get dusted or washed down, furniture gets moved and cleaned under and behind and quite a bit of rubbish gets chucked out. So once a year for a few hours on Christmas Eve my house is clean and tidy.
I do occasionally do these jobs inbetween Christmases but never all of them together and not as often as I used to. My mum does these sort of things regularly and seems to enjoy doing them, I so wish I did then I'd be more likely to do them often instead of sporadically as I do now.
One of the problems is hubby and I are both hoarders so the house is packed with stuff, half of which we probably dont even know we have and quite a bit of it we'll never use, but we just don't seem to be able to let go of it.
Every so often we try to have a clear out and we chuck bags of stuff away or give it to the charity shop, I must have filled our local charity shop several times over by now, yet we still have a houseful of stuff. I just don't know what hapens, we start to tidy and clear and every cupboard or shelf we empty seems to fill right back up again even though we've took a bag full of stuff out of it.
I often wonder if there are no backs to our cupboards and wardrobes and as we take something out the front some little clutter elf slips something else in from the back.
It just seems we have never ending clutter. Some clear outs we have just remind us of something we had long ago and forgot about so we start using or wearing it again for a while which isn't really the idea is it!!!
All this stuff we've accumulted and are still adding to makes it impossible for a person who doesn't enjoy housework to keep things tidy. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in piles of clutter!!!!!
Am I alone in this I wonder?
Monday, 16 August 2010
After last weeks dip into baking again I decided to have another go today. Hubby said after I made the cupcakes 'why don't you make some cookies next' so at the weekend I bought the ingredients and decided to have a go. We've got a book with 50 cookie recipes in all based on one dough mix that we liked the look of quite a few so I picked two and had a go at baking them this afternoon. I had mixed success as one lot turned out quite well and one lot well... it didn't.
This is what my cookies should have looked like.
My raisin cookies didnt turn out too bad if I do say so myself and they taste pretty good too. But my chocolate button cookies look nothing like buttons!!! I followed the recipe exactly but the mix felt really sticky even after the required half hour in the fridge and when I tried to roll it out and cut the cookies it just didn't work. I ended up scooping the mix back into a dish and making little dough balls and squashing them flat on the tray before trying to make the indentation and holes for the centre. Then the recipe said to sprinkle with caster sugar before baking so I set to with a spoon full of sugar and ended up dropping an avalanche of sugar on half the cookies which I had to try and shake off afterwards. The old baking mojo had left me again it seemed.
Here's photos of how mine actually turned out, they don't look quite the same do they , especially the buttons they look nothing like them lol
Sunday, 15 August 2010
My first meatball
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These aren't actually mine |
Can you believe I've reached the ripe old age of 38 without ever eating a meatball. Until today I was a meatball virgin (no dirty jokes please) I don't know why I never tried them before but I'm not a very adventurous eater I must admit.
Anyway yesterday I saw some in the fridge at the local supermarket and decided to be brave and try them, so today for dinner I made spaghetti and meatballs in bolognese sauce with garlic bread. They were quite nice, although I think I still prefer my bolognese with mince in. They were worth a try though so I'm glad I made them, they were just like little hamburgers made into balls.
Besides cooking my meatballs I've not done a lot today I've been very lazy. I got up around half nine and lazed around reading till lunchtime before finally getting showered and dressed and having lunch. After lunch I did more reading till dinnertime then after dinner I've been watching tv, (isn't sunday tv rubbish) and catching up on whats happened on busymitts and facebook and now after blogging myself I'll catch up on my bloggin friends too. I must say I've really enjoyed my lazy day.
There's nothing like a lazy relaxing sunday is there, hubby has had a nice relaxing day too before he goes back to work tomorrow after his two weeks off. I'll miss him when he goes back to work as I've really enjoyed him being around these last two weeks.
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Romcom's and chiclit
Don't you just love the 80's
I'm currently watching Mannequin the 1987 film with Andrew McCarthy & Kim Catrall I love this old film. Yeah I know its a silly film but I love it, this and Pretty in Pink were two of my favourite films as a teen. My all time favourite though has to be Sleepless in seattle, yer just gotta love Tom Hanks and the story is so lovely.
I like a bit of a fluffy romcom you don't have to think too hard about it, you can just sit back relax and watch, I'm the same with books too, I like chic lit for a nice easy read. I do enjoy watching things a little more challenging sometimes, but for a nice relax easy watching is definately my thing. I can easily do something else like knit or make jewellery while I watch without worrying whether I missed something important to the plot or messed up what I'm making. Today I've been doing a bit of knitting while watching tv.
Earlier today I finally sewed a button onto a sleeveless cardi I finished knitting a couple of weeks ago. I bought a button for it just after I finished knittting it but somehow I've managed to lose it somewhere in the house. I've hung on for a couple of weeks hoping I'd find it but I haven't, so today I bought a new one from the local knitting shop and finally finished my cardi. No doubt the original button will turn up now but heyho I'm sure I'll find a use for it sometime.
Here's my cardigan modelled by very own mannequin (dressmaking dummy) Krystal
I'm currently watching Mannequin the 1987 film with Andrew McCarthy & Kim Catrall I love this old film. Yeah I know its a silly film but I love it, this and Pretty in Pink were two of my favourite films as a teen. My all time favourite though has to be Sleepless in seattle, yer just gotta love Tom Hanks and the story is so lovely.
I like a bit of a fluffy romcom you don't have to think too hard about it, you can just sit back relax and watch, I'm the same with books too, I like chic lit for a nice easy read. I do enjoy watching things a little more challenging sometimes, but for a nice relax easy watching is definately my thing. I can easily do something else like knit or make jewellery while I watch without worrying whether I missed something important to the plot or messed up what I'm making. Today I've been doing a bit of knitting while watching tv.
Earlier today I finally sewed a button onto a sleeveless cardi I finished knitting a couple of weeks ago. I bought a button for it just after I finished knittting it but somehow I've managed to lose it somewhere in the house. I've hung on for a couple of weeks hoping I'd find it but I haven't, so today I bought a new one from the local knitting shop and finally finished my cardi. No doubt the original button will turn up now but heyho I'm sure I'll find a use for it sometime.
Here's my cardigan modelled by very own mannequin (dressmaking dummy) Krystal
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Not so pretty in pink
Last week during a chat with my friend Eily I ended up agreeing to try baking some cupcakes, I haven't baked very much in the last few years apart from tarts and mince pies at christmas.
I used to bake loads when I first got married and though I say so myself I wasn't that bad, but the last few years I seem to have lost my baking mojo. Nothing seems to rise anymore and half the time things are either undercooked or overcooked so I just don't bother very often. But egged on by Eily,(egged on hehe a little cooking humour there lol), at the weekend I bought a mix for cupcakes,some icing sugar and butter for a buttercream topping, and some glitter and sugar stars to decorate them.
Well today I decided to take the plunge and get baking. I had some pink colouring in the pantry that must have been bought with the thought of baking something pink and then ignored so I thought I might use that and cover them in pink buttercream. When I went in the pantry to get my ingredients out this afternoon I saw the food colouring was out of date!!!!!!!! flipping typical Andie not to check earlier but I'd thought it was only a few weeks ago that I bought it. I thought I was going to end up having to have plain buttercream topping but then hubby came to the rescue and came back from the local shop with some more food colouring.Yay for hubbys.
I got on with mixing and then started to fill my cases, the packet said it made 12 cupcakes so I filled my 12 cases. They were quite full but I thought they probably wouldn't rise very much and would be fine so I popped them in the oven and set my timer, but boy was I wrong. When I went back to check on them they had spread and almost joined into one large cake on top of the bun tray Whoops!!!!!!
Eily I was right I have lost my baking mojo!!!!!!
After letting them cool in the tray for a few minutes I took them out and cut off the excess cake and popped them on a wire rack to fully cool. Once they were cool I mixed my pink buttercream, it turned out a bit of a bright vibrant pink but undeterred as I'd come so far and wasn't giving up now I made up a little piping bag with some greaseproof paper and slopped the cream in and started to pipe.
Oh dear I'd put too much in the bag and as I held it half the cream started sliding out of the top and down my hand!!!!!! I scraped half of the cream out and folded over my homemade bag and started again but this time I realised I'd cut my hole a bit big and was piping way too much cream on. OOOOOOhhhh baking mojo where have you gone ????
In the end I scrapped the bag idea altogether and just blobbed some buttercream on each cupcake with a fork then sprinked stars and white glitter on 6 and pink and white glitter on the other 6.The end result looks like something a 6 year old would make.
After dinner tonight hubby, nephew Matt and I all braved eating one and guess what despite appearances they actually tasted nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shock of shocks my baking mojo hasn't completely deserted me Yipppeee!
I used to bake loads when I first got married and though I say so myself I wasn't that bad, but the last few years I seem to have lost my baking mojo. Nothing seems to rise anymore and half the time things are either undercooked or overcooked so I just don't bother very often. But egged on by Eily,(egged on hehe a little cooking humour there lol), at the weekend I bought a mix for cupcakes,some icing sugar and butter for a buttercream topping, and some glitter and sugar stars to decorate them.
Well today I decided to take the plunge and get baking. I had some pink colouring in the pantry that must have been bought with the thought of baking something pink and then ignored so I thought I might use that and cover them in pink buttercream. When I went in the pantry to get my ingredients out this afternoon I saw the food colouring was out of date!!!!!!!! flipping typical Andie not to check earlier but I'd thought it was only a few weeks ago that I bought it. I thought I was going to end up having to have plain buttercream topping but then hubby came to the rescue and came back from the local shop with some more food colouring.Yay for hubbys.
I got on with mixing and then started to fill my cases, the packet said it made 12 cupcakes so I filled my 12 cases. They were quite full but I thought they probably wouldn't rise very much and would be fine so I popped them in the oven and set my timer, but boy was I wrong. When I went back to check on them they had spread and almost joined into one large cake on top of the bun tray Whoops!!!!!!
Eily I was right I have lost my baking mojo!!!!!!
After letting them cool in the tray for a few minutes I took them out and cut off the excess cake and popped them on a wire rack to fully cool. Once they were cool I mixed my pink buttercream, it turned out a bit of a bright vibrant pink but undeterred as I'd come so far and wasn't giving up now I made up a little piping bag with some greaseproof paper and slopped the cream in and started to pipe.
Oh dear I'd put too much in the bag and as I held it half the cream started sliding out of the top and down my hand!!!!!! I scraped half of the cream out and folded over my homemade bag and started again but this time I realised I'd cut my hole a bit big and was piping way too much cream on. OOOOOOhhhh baking mojo where have you gone ????
In the end I scrapped the bag idea altogether and just blobbed some buttercream on each cupcake with a fork then sprinked stars and white glitter on 6 and pink and white glitter on the other 6.The end result looks like something a 6 year old would make.
My not so pretty pink cupcakes |
Shock of shocks my baking mojo hasn't completely deserted me Yipppeee!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
I am not alone yipppeee
Yay I have 3 followers. Thanks Chrissy, Eily & Sandra for signing on as my followers, its nice to know I'm not talking to myself lol.
Although I do talk to myself quite a lot as it happens, I hope that doesn't make me sound mad, but come on lots of people do it, don't they??????? Well I hope so anyway cos actually I am getting a little bit worried about doing it now.
I used to say I was talking to Lucy (our cat) rather than myself, but to be honest even though I do talk to her a lot (she seems to like it and purs at me quite a lot when I do) half the time shes not even in the room when I'm muttering away, so it must be me I'm talking to.
I think it doesn't really matter as long as I know I'm doing it and I don't expect an answer lol. Just so long as I don't do it in public I thought it was ok, but then the other week I did!!!!!!!!!!
Yep I talked to myself OUTSIDE on the STREET!!!!!!!
I was walking to the bus stop when I noticed a rattling sound and I couldn't work out what it was. I couldn't see anything on my bag that could rattle n then I wondered if it was the buckles on my sandal boot things I was wearing (dunno what the proper term for them is but I call them bandals- boot+sandal = bandal) anyway they'd never rattled before so I wondered if they were coming loose. Then while looking down at them to see if they were rattling as I moved my foot I realised my necklace (a long one with chains and a large wirework shape on) was bouncing about and banging into the buckle of the belt I had on, so mystery solved.
It was only as I said "OOh thats what it is" ..ALOUD !!!! ...that I realised I was talking to myself in PUBLIC !!!! ..and that I had probably also said "Whats rattling?" and "is it mi bandal buckles coming loose?" aloud too.....
Oh dear I did feel a berk. I had a quick look round but I coudn't see or hear anyone nearby so hopefully I got away with it this time.
But it did make me wonder how many other times have I been out on the street talking to myself???
Maybe it's time I tried to stop talking to myself inside the house so I don't do it outside again by accident.
Although I do talk to myself quite a lot as it happens, I hope that doesn't make me sound mad, but come on lots of people do it, don't they??????? Well I hope so anyway cos actually I am getting a little bit worried about doing it now.
I used to say I was talking to Lucy (our cat) rather than myself, but to be honest even though I do talk to her a lot (she seems to like it and purs at me quite a lot when I do) half the time shes not even in the room when I'm muttering away, so it must be me I'm talking to.
I think it doesn't really matter as long as I know I'm doing it and I don't expect an answer lol. Just so long as I don't do it in public I thought it was ok, but then the other week I did!!!!!!!!!!
Yep I talked to myself OUTSIDE on the STREET!!!!!!!
I was walking to the bus stop when I noticed a rattling sound and I couldn't work out what it was. I couldn't see anything on my bag that could rattle n then I wondered if it was the buckles on my sandal boot things I was wearing (dunno what the proper term for them is but I call them bandals- boot+sandal = bandal) anyway they'd never rattled before so I wondered if they were coming loose. Then while looking down at them to see if they were rattling as I moved my foot I realised my necklace (a long one with chains and a large wirework shape on) was bouncing about and banging into the buckle of the belt I had on, so mystery solved.
It was only as I said "OOh thats what it is" ..ALOUD !!!! ...that I realised I was talking to myself in PUBLIC !!!! ..and that I had probably also said "Whats rattling?" and "is it mi bandal buckles coming loose?" aloud too.....
Oh dear I did feel a berk. I had a quick look round but I coudn't see or hear anyone nearby so hopefully I got away with it this time.
But it did make me wonder how many other times have I been out on the street talking to myself???
Maybe it's time I tried to stop talking to myself inside the house so I don't do it outside again by accident.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Delayed trains achey feet and lots of shopping
Hubby and I decided to go to Manchester shopping today. We had a fantastic day eventually but it didn't start very well. We got to Leeds station hoping to catch a train to Manchester Picadilly but the train was delayed due to someone pinching cable between leeds and york.
As we arrived at the platform to wait for our train the announcer said an earlier delayed train was just arriving but at another platform, Everyone rushed off the platform, up the escalator and down the other side and onto another platform to a very full train, there was no way hubby and I were going to get a seat so we decided to wait for the next one.
As we were going back to the other platform I noticed on the departures board that the train to manchester victoria which had also been delayed was just about to leave from another platform, although this train takes half an hour longer than the train to piccadilly I thought we'd at least be on the way and we'd probably get to manchester before the next one to picadilly too.
So off we went and got on it, BIG mistake!!! As we pulled out of the station and had our tickets checked the conducter informed us that although the train should go to victoria, and it said so on the board and train, because they were so late they were going to terminate at Rochdale so we'd need to get off and catch another train into victoria OOOOOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSSS not my best suggestion then.
Luckily at Rochdale we only had fifteen minutes to wait and eventually (an hour later than expected) we hit Manchester and the shops. Yiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeee.
Once there, we had a great day out shopping and soon forgot the trials of getting there. It's only the second time I've been to Manchester and the first time for hubby but we both liked it and we'll definately be going again.
Luckily we got a train home from Piccadilly with no problems and even though it was half past five we even managed to get a seat which was great as my feet were aching by then.
As we arrived at the platform to wait for our train the announcer said an earlier delayed train was just arriving but at another platform, Everyone rushed off the platform, up the escalator and down the other side and onto another platform to a very full train, there was no way hubby and I were going to get a seat so we decided to wait for the next one.
As we were going back to the other platform I noticed on the departures board that the train to manchester victoria which had also been delayed was just about to leave from another platform, although this train takes half an hour longer than the train to piccadilly I thought we'd at least be on the way and we'd probably get to manchester before the next one to picadilly too.
So off we went and got on it, BIG mistake!!! As we pulled out of the station and had our tickets checked the conducter informed us that although the train should go to victoria, and it said so on the board and train, because they were so late they were going to terminate at Rochdale so we'd need to get off and catch another train into victoria OOOOOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSSS not my best suggestion then.
Luckily at Rochdale we only had fifteen minutes to wait and eventually (an hour later than expected) we hit Manchester and the shops. Yiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeee.
Fruits of our shopping labours |
Luckily we got a train home from Piccadilly with no problems and even though it was half past five we even managed to get a seat which was great as my feet were aching by then.
Monday, 9 August 2010
Trying out adding pictures
Well here goes I'm going to try adding pictures now. I've added working links now which has put me in a good mood even though I had a few false starts I'm feeling quite chozed with myself.
Heres a pic of my hubby cuddling our lovely cat Lucy who just loves to sit on his knee.
Right here goes lets publish this and see how it goes will it work??????????????????
Gis a cuddle daddy |
Right here goes lets publish this and see how it goes will it work??????????????????
Just like Arnie I'm back
Yippee I've found my blog and I'm back.
I started this blog almost a year ago but I had no idea what to do with it and while trying to decide what to do with it and how to use it I forgot where it was!!!!!
Recently an online friend started her own blog and I became a follower (or stalker as we call it as I now catch up with her on 3 websites, there's no hiding now Chrissy lol) as I was joining her blog I noticed it mentioned I had a blog on here also 'ooh thats where mi blog is' I thought and decided I would try again to enter the world of blogging.
It's took me a little while but here I am giving it another go. I still have no idea what I'm doing though, I just don't understand blogging speak. I have spent half an hour clicking on settings that I don't even understand what they are, let alone whether I want to allow them or not. For all I know I could have just allowed aliens to publish my blog on bus shelters all over the universe.(Do aliens use buses I wonder?)
One success in my blogging life though was I did just manage to change the background of my blog to the pretty pink stripes you see before you now, its a small step for mankind a massive step for me.
The next step is understanding what everything is and maybe adding photos woooooooohhhhhhhooooooooo steady on there girl. I think I may need some help with that so Matt my blogging nephew will have to be pestered to help Annie Annie with her blogging.
Well I think I'll go now and see if I actually can post this, those aliens must be waiting for something new to put on their bus stops by now I'm sure.
I started this blog almost a year ago but I had no idea what to do with it and while trying to decide what to do with it and how to use it I forgot where it was!!!!!
Recently an online friend started her own blog and I became a follower (or stalker as we call it as I now catch up with her on 3 websites, there's no hiding now Chrissy lol) as I was joining her blog I noticed it mentioned I had a blog on here also 'ooh thats where mi blog is' I thought and decided I would try again to enter the world of blogging.
It's took me a little while but here I am giving it another go. I still have no idea what I'm doing though, I just don't understand blogging speak. I have spent half an hour clicking on settings that I don't even understand what they are, let alone whether I want to allow them or not. For all I know I could have just allowed aliens to publish my blog on bus shelters all over the universe.(Do aliens use buses I wonder?)
One success in my blogging life though was I did just manage to change the background of my blog to the pretty pink stripes you see before you now, its a small step for mankind a massive step for me.
The next step is understanding what everything is and maybe adding photos woooooooohhhhhhhooooooooo steady on there girl. I think I may need some help with that so Matt my blogging nephew will have to be pestered to help Annie Annie with her blogging.
Well I think I'll go now and see if I actually can post this, those aliens must be waiting for something new to put on their bus stops by now I'm sure.
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