Just a quickie blog today as I'm off to do some sewing soon. I'm working on an order for another 2 personalised cushions but thought I'd pop in and say Hi.
The weather has changed today hasn't it, we went to a car boot sale today and boy it was cool, luckily I still had some gloves in my bag so at least my hands were warm. I don't go to boot sales normally as I don't like early mornings so usually miss them but this one started at 10am so we got up and ready a bit earlier than normal on a weekend and made it there with hubby, mum and my aunt before 11. Shocker to those who know me!!!!
Apart from the cold weather I enjoyed it, we bumped into a few people we knew for a little chat and I bought a few little bargains for my next craft stall, Auntie Jean did well and came away with a bag full too. I bought a couple of metal mug tree things for my hanging decs and a wooden shoe stand to use as a shelf.
I do find it intersting what people sell and buy though, I think I enjoyed the people watching as much as the shopping.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Almost forgot to write my blog
Well strictly speaking I'm late with my blog as it is officially Sunday now and I suposedly write it on saturdays but better late than never. I really should be in bed as we all lose an hour in the morning and so I could do with every bit of bedtime tonight. As usual though time got away from me while I was doing some sewing, nothing exciting just some little hearts to stick on my magnetic pegs, but I was happily sewing away in my own little world when the tv programme I had on finished and I noticed the time. I have a tendency to lose track of time especially when sewing but basically I do it lots of times really and always have. Its as if my mind is a butterfly and it flitters about between Andieland and the real world.
Last week my mum was going through some old papers and found my school reports which she gave to me, so earlier this week I thought I'd have a read, they aren't glowing and aren't quite terrible either but looking back I obvously didn't set the academic world alight lol and there is mention quite a few times of me drifting off into my own little world (although the teachers don't call it Andieland)
The first few years at junior school are the best. I don't sound too bad on those, I was a good reader and quite good at maths, quiet pleasant and interested to learn, especially when we were doing project work where i used to get quite involved. But, they do mention my writing and presentation being untidy (it still is) and that I had a tendency to drift off into my own little world.
From the fourth year at juniors onwards though my reports get a bit worse, there is quite a lot mentioned about me talking in class, getting distracted from work and not putting as much effort into my work so I could spend more time messing about with friends. This coincided with me taking a course of iron tablets after a new doctor realised I was anaemic and finally getting better after a long kidney infection that I'd suffered with most of my childhood. With the iron tablets I remember feeling like I had all this energy to chat and play and feeling like I couldn't sit still and I think I found it hard to concentrate for a long time. It was like I hadn't had the energy to be too chatty before but now I had and I didn't know when to shut up. My nannan said it was like someone had found the key and finally wound me up like a clockwork toy.
My reports in senior school all seem to say I could have done much better if I'd tried harder and put more effort in but I was content to just do what I had to to get the basic work done and not get into trouble. I think looking back that was true, I did ok and came out pretty average without too much effort so didn't bother to do more. If I'd put more effort in I would probably have come away with much better exam results and been a lot cleverer but I was never that ambitious and ok was good enough for me.
When I read the reports this week I must say I wasn't that proud of them, they're nothing to write home about but then again they do sum me up, thats me. Oddly the best thing I found wrote on one of them was for the third year of junior school when the teacher wrote 'on first meeting her Andrea seems a quiet unassuming girl but when you get to know her you realise she has a lovely quick wit and a wonderful ability to lighten a situation I shall be sorry to lose her.' Its not learning or study related but thats the thing I noticed and liked most which probably says something about my academic leanings or lack of them.
I think the things that are most true on those reports and still current now are that I talk a lot, have a tendency to drift of into my own world and that my writing and work presentation leaves a lot to be desired. If I were to get a report today I think it would still say 'could do better'.
I've noticed the time again and it almost time to turn the clocks forward so I think its time Average Andie say night night and pops of to sleep and dream in Andieland
Night night xxxx
Last week my mum was going through some old papers and found my school reports which she gave to me, so earlier this week I thought I'd have a read, they aren't glowing and aren't quite terrible either but looking back I obvously didn't set the academic world alight lol and there is mention quite a few times of me drifting off into my own little world (although the teachers don't call it Andieland)
The first few years at junior school are the best. I don't sound too bad on those, I was a good reader and quite good at maths, quiet pleasant and interested to learn, especially when we were doing project work where i used to get quite involved. But, they do mention my writing and presentation being untidy (it still is) and that I had a tendency to drift off into my own little world.
From the fourth year at juniors onwards though my reports get a bit worse, there is quite a lot mentioned about me talking in class, getting distracted from work and not putting as much effort into my work so I could spend more time messing about with friends. This coincided with me taking a course of iron tablets after a new doctor realised I was anaemic and finally getting better after a long kidney infection that I'd suffered with most of my childhood. With the iron tablets I remember feeling like I had all this energy to chat and play and feeling like I couldn't sit still and I think I found it hard to concentrate for a long time. It was like I hadn't had the energy to be too chatty before but now I had and I didn't know when to shut up. My nannan said it was like someone had found the key and finally wound me up like a clockwork toy.
My reports in senior school all seem to say I could have done much better if I'd tried harder and put more effort in but I was content to just do what I had to to get the basic work done and not get into trouble. I think looking back that was true, I did ok and came out pretty average without too much effort so didn't bother to do more. If I'd put more effort in I would probably have come away with much better exam results and been a lot cleverer but I was never that ambitious and ok was good enough for me.
When I read the reports this week I must say I wasn't that proud of them, they're nothing to write home about but then again they do sum me up, thats me. Oddly the best thing I found wrote on one of them was for the third year of junior school when the teacher wrote 'on first meeting her Andrea seems a quiet unassuming girl but when you get to know her you realise she has a lovely quick wit and a wonderful ability to lighten a situation I shall be sorry to lose her.' Its not learning or study related but thats the thing I noticed and liked most which probably says something about my academic leanings or lack of them.
I think the things that are most true on those reports and still current now are that I talk a lot, have a tendency to drift of into my own world and that my writing and work presentation leaves a lot to be desired. If I were to get a report today I think it would still say 'could do better'.
I've noticed the time again and it almost time to turn the clocks forward so I think its time Average Andie say night night and pops of to sleep and dream in Andieland
Night night xxxx
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Happy St Patricks Day everyone.I'm not irish myself but well I just thought I'd mention it in case any of you are and I didn't realise.
Not done much today just a trip to the supermarket and had my mum over for the afternoon. We've been looking at holidays on the internet, mum and her friend are looking at coach trips so I was helping her check some of those out and then I was looking at Bath as a possible idea for hubby and I's little break for our 20th anniversary this summer. It's somewhere we've quite fancied for a while but were unsure if there would be much to do. After a look online today I think we're pretty sold on the idea. Just need to make final decision and find somewhere nice but not extortionate to stay now. I've been looking online for central hotels as Paul is very taken with the idea of parking up the car on arrival and not having to get in it again till departure day. We're thinkin a nice walk round the crescent, the jane austen experience, look at the lovely buildings, visit the nice gardens/park, sightseeing bus tour, maybe a boat trip, look round the shops and a trip to the theatre will be just the job, hopefully all in nice warm dry weather. Fingers crossed we get it because we don't have much look weatherwise with our holidays.
Crafting wise I've been a bit quieter this week after my frantic weeks of making things ready for the fair. I still made a couple of lavender hearts, a couple of phone cosys, some hair bobbles with yoyo type fabric puffs and a couple of russian doll fabric keyrings as I can't seem to stop crafting for long.
I've been looking for some more craft fairs on a site call stallfinder.co.uk which you pop in your postcode and it list all the fayres registered near you in distance order, nearest first. I've found a couple I'm interested in doing and think the next I do will probably be in May although I havent booked it yet.
Right well thats all from me ladies have a lovely Mothers Day on Sunday and take care xx
Not done much today just a trip to the supermarket and had my mum over for the afternoon. We've been looking at holidays on the internet, mum and her friend are looking at coach trips so I was helping her check some of those out and then I was looking at Bath as a possible idea for hubby and I's little break for our 20th anniversary this summer. It's somewhere we've quite fancied for a while but were unsure if there would be much to do. After a look online today I think we're pretty sold on the idea. Just need to make final decision and find somewhere nice but not extortionate to stay now. I've been looking online for central hotels as Paul is very taken with the idea of parking up the car on arrival and not having to get in it again till departure day. We're thinkin a nice walk round the crescent, the jane austen experience, look at the lovely buildings, visit the nice gardens/park, sightseeing bus tour, maybe a boat trip, look round the shops and a trip to the theatre will be just the job, hopefully all in nice warm dry weather. Fingers crossed we get it because we don't have much look weatherwise with our holidays.
Crafting wise I've been a bit quieter this week after my frantic weeks of making things ready for the fair. I still made a couple of lavender hearts, a couple of phone cosys, some hair bobbles with yoyo type fabric puffs and a couple of russian doll fabric keyrings as I can't seem to stop crafting for long.
I've been looking for some more craft fairs on a site call stallfinder.co.uk which you pop in your postcode and it list all the fayres registered near you in distance order, nearest first. I've found a couple I'm interested in doing and think the next I do will probably be in May although I havent booked it yet.
Right well thats all from me ladies have a lovely Mothers Day on Sunday and take care xx
Sunday, 11 March 2012
First craft stall for Andies Accessories
I had my first stall at a craft fair as Andies Accessories yesterday. Hubby came with me and we both enjoyed it. I didn't sell loads but did make sales and covered my stall and the making costs and even made a little profit so I was very happy with that. It was a lovely venue and the other stallholders were friendly and nice so it was an enjoyable day. I had lots of nice and encouraging comments on my makes and quite a few people took business cards too, so although I didn't make lots I still think it was a successful day. I had been worried I wouldn't cover my costs but hubby said don't worry its a day outand an experience so think of the stall fee as payment for a day out but in the end we sold enough to cover it anyway so that was good.
I think the fair would have benefited from a bit more advertising though as it wasn't really that busy. I'm not sure what had been done to advertise but I had only seen it on the civic website, I think they have a newsletter so it would probably have been on that but there was no mention of it in the local paper and I hadn't seen any posters around town although there could have been some I don't know for sure. The organiser did go out with flyers into the town centre on the morning and managed to get some flyers put onto the trays in costa coffee in town which did bring some extra people in but apart from that I think they relied on stalls to advertise to their fans and family and friends.
Overall it was a positive experience and I'm glad I did it and will look for some more fairs to attend. It was nice to hear what people other than friends and family thought of my items and see what actually sold, which was quite a selection of different things, more or less a bit of everything so that was nice.
I think the fair would have benefited from a bit more advertising though as it wasn't really that busy. I'm not sure what had been done to advertise but I had only seen it on the civic website, I think they have a newsletter so it would probably have been on that but there was no mention of it in the local paper and I hadn't seen any posters around town although there could have been some I don't know for sure. The organiser did go out with flyers into the town centre on the morning and managed to get some flyers put onto the trays in costa coffee in town which did bring some extra people in but apart from that I think they relied on stalls to advertise to their fans and family and friends.
Overall it was a positive experience and I'm glad I did it and will look for some more fairs to attend. It was nice to hear what people other than friends and family thought of my items and see what actually sold, which was quite a selection of different things, more or less a bit of everything so that was nice.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Thank you to all of you for your kind comments on last weeks blog.
Hubby and I are slowly getting used to the fact that Lucy isn't here anymore, the house feels very empty without her and I still keep looking round expecting to see her walking into the room or laying on her bed but not as often now.
The first few days after saturday I kept going over what had happened at the vets and worried over if we'd made the right decision but the vet had been quite definate she couldn't carry on as she was and said she didn't want us to bring her home and have her suffer. I know she couldn't have managed and wasn't likely to live long and seeing her suffer would have been worse than letting her go peacefully and calmly like we did so I know now we did the right thing for her but I still miss her terribly.
I've tried to keep myself busy this week making things and thinking about the craft fair I'm attending next weekend. I was thinking of cancelling my stall but mum said it would give me something to do and think about other than Lucy and it has helped.
I am panicking a bit now though that I haven't got time to make some of the things I wanted to, at the moment my stall looks like it will be mainly cushions as I seem to have got caught up in making them.
When I booked the fair the other week I didn't have much made up to to take at all so its been a bit of a rush this week as I realised I don't have long left. I still have to think how I'm going to lay out my stall and find things to put things in and package and price everything too so I think this week will be busy busy busy.
I've redesigned the chick egg holder I made the other week to hold the egg in the back and have made quite a few of these to take to the fair and also because I have a few orders for them via facebook. I've added a pic and also a few pics of some of the cushions I made (but not all as this page will be long enough). Theres also a pic of a welcome wreath and a heart banner I did this week. Besides these I've also made some more lavender hangers, hearts, bookmarks and a couple of pencil cases and make up bags but I still need to make some more things so I best say bye for now and get sewing.
Ooh before I go I have been reading and commenting on your blogs girls but I'm not sure they are always appearing also, I had trouble getting on a couple of blogs for a couple of days but I think I caught up with them all. Keep writing girls I like to keep reading. Chrissy and Julie I hope you both feel better soon x
Hubby and I are slowly getting used to the fact that Lucy isn't here anymore, the house feels very empty without her and I still keep looking round expecting to see her walking into the room or laying on her bed but not as often now.
The first few days after saturday I kept going over what had happened at the vets and worried over if we'd made the right decision but the vet had been quite definate she couldn't carry on as she was and said she didn't want us to bring her home and have her suffer. I know she couldn't have managed and wasn't likely to live long and seeing her suffer would have been worse than letting her go peacefully and calmly like we did so I know now we did the right thing for her but I still miss her terribly.
I've tried to keep myself busy this week making things and thinking about the craft fair I'm attending next weekend. I was thinking of cancelling my stall but mum said it would give me something to do and think about other than Lucy and it has helped.
I am panicking a bit now though that I haven't got time to make some of the things I wanted to, at the moment my stall looks like it will be mainly cushions as I seem to have got caught up in making them.
When I booked the fair the other week I didn't have much made up to to take at all so its been a bit of a rush this week as I realised I don't have long left. I still have to think how I'm going to lay out my stall and find things to put things in and package and price everything too so I think this week will be busy busy busy.
I've redesigned the chick egg holder I made the other week to hold the egg in the back and have made quite a few of these to take to the fair and also because I have a few orders for them via facebook. I've added a pic and also a few pics of some of the cushions I made (but not all as this page will be long enough). Theres also a pic of a welcome wreath and a heart banner I did this week. Besides these I've also made some more lavender hangers, hearts, bookmarks and a couple of pencil cases and make up bags but I still need to make some more things so I best say bye for now and get sewing.
Ooh before I go I have been reading and commenting on your blogs girls but I'm not sure they are always appearing also, I had trouble getting on a couple of blogs for a couple of days but I think I caught up with them all. Keep writing girls I like to keep reading. Chrissy and Julie I hope you both feel better soon x
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race car cushion |
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caravan cushion |
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fleece flower cushion, did this one in reverse colourway too |
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heart aplique cushion i've done a blue one of this too |
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Welcome wreath |
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heart banner |
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